Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tofu Dessert - #1 rated on Yelp in Philly Chinatown

Oh, did I mention FOOD in my intro... ? But of course! For those of you food-lovers out there, you won't be disappointed! You will start seeing LOTS of yummy food pictures on here. And being in center city Philly, literally 10 min walk from Chinatown, close to all major cities on the east coast, and the hubbub of everything... But be warned! DO NOT look at those pics when you are hungry, or else I promise you some midnight drooling!

This is a small, dingy place in Philly chinatown, but very delicious and super cheap! $2.25 for the wonton soup, $4.25 for the chow fun, and only $4 for the steamed dumplings! Make sure to add some Sriracha sauce in there! And if you are daring like me, try the beef tripe noodle soup :)

Address: Taijiang Snackies, 106 N 10th St, Philadelphia, PA

And your life will be incomplete without a trip to the Tofu Dessert place - #1 rated on Yelp in Philly Chinatown. Luckily the owner did not shut me out this time ;)

Address: Heung Fa Chun Sweet House, 112 N 10th St, Philadelphia, PA 19102

And a close up!

HAHA I warned you!!!


  1. hi beautiful! i just found your blog and i love it! ...would you be interested in following each other? let me know

  2. I'm hungry and shouldn't be looking at these...
    btw, are you targeted by spam blog already?

    1. yea... i guess i am! lol

      will be putting up more pics to 搀你!
